FMI: Nearly Half of Shoppers Put Effort into Selecting Plant-based

FMI—The Food Industry Association, releases the inaugural Plant Based Cover Power of Plant-based Foods and Beverages 2022 report which is the first-ever comprehensive review of the plant-based topic broadly, addressing naturally plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains and alternatives to traditional animal-derived items. FMI’s analysis finds nearly half (42%) of shoppers put either a lot or some effort into selecting plant-based foods or beverages.

“More than 40% of shoppers at least occasionally eat a meat, dairy or seafood alternative, but dairy alternative sales are more than twice those of meat alternatives,” shared Steve Markenson, director of research and insights for FMI. “The plant-based foods most likely to be regularly consumed by shoppers are naturally plant-based — fruits and vegetables (75%) and beans, nuts, or grains (47%).”

Shopper feedback indicates confusion about plant-based foods and beverages and a lack of knowledge about key attributes of these options. The majority of shoppers surveyed responded that the word “healthy” came to mind when thinking of plant-based foods and beverages. Others associated plant-based foods with words such as “vegan,” “vegetarian,” “organic” or “natural.”

The research found that curiosity is a major characteristic for shopper experimentation. Millennials are more likely than Gen X and Boomers to put effort into selecting plant-based foods, and nearly half of shoppers buying plant-based foods and beverages live in households making over USD100,000 and have children. Shoppers interested in these foods and beverages tend to have bigger basket sizes, but also shop online.