DeutscheBack launches TopBake Fresh and Taste, a new type of enzyme solution that for the first time permits the targeted enzymatic flavour improvement of baked goods.
This multifunctional compound combines flavour improvement, extended fresh keeping, and the option of reducing emulsifiers and sugar. These properties make TopBake Fresh and Taste a solution that fundamentally changes and optimizes the central processes in the production of baked goods.
Multifunctional enzyme solution for modern requirements
The baking industry faces increasingly complex demands. Consumers expect quality products with balanced taste, long shelf life and transparent ingredients. At the same time, manufacturers are under pressure to work more economically, use raw materials more efficiently and integrate sustainable solutions.
For the first time, TopBake Fresh and Taste combines three specific solutions in a single compound designed to address these requirements. In addition to enzymatic flavour improvement, it extends shelf life and fresh keeping through better crumb softness and elasticity. It also enables the reduction of emulsifiers and sugar in recipes, which cuts raw materials costs.
Targeted flavour improvement as an innovation
In modern baked-goods production, especially of products like sandwich bread, hamburger buns and baguettes, preservatives like propionate often cause undesirable off-tastes or bitterness. Typically this has been compensated for through the use of flavourings. With TopBake Fresh and Taste, DeutscheBack now offers the first enzymatic solution that amplifies the natural bread taste and eliminates undesirable off-tastes. The result is a full, balanced bread flavour without negative interactions with other enzymes or ingredients. This solution is suitable for virtually all yeast-raised recipes, and lets bakeries significantly improve the way their products taste, without using flavourings or malts.
TopBake Fresh and Taste is ideal for many different applications, including sandwich bread, hamburger and hotdog buns, and cookies and cakes. The targeted combination of flavour improvement and fresh keeping helps the baking industry meet increasingly demanding market requirements without changing existing processes.
Roman Gradert, Head of Research & Development at DeutscheBack, explains: “With TopBake Fresh and Taste we have developed a solution that for the first time combines flavour improvement and freshness preservation on an enzymatic basis. This compound gives the baking industry the ability to not just make better products, but also work more economically.”
Flexible applications for individual requirements
This enzyme solution can be used flexibly and adapted to various recipes and local market requirements. The optimum dosage can be determined in consultation with the expert team at the Stern-Technology Center in Ahrensburg.
Find out more at: https://deutscheback.de/english/