The 5th anniversary of the Wabel Frozen Summit opens its doors on March 22-23, 2017, at the Hilton Hotel in Paris, for private label and brand producers, as well as for international purchasing groups, to gather and develop new business opportunities.
150 buyers from 50 leading international retail chains will meet 100 selected suppliers through pre-scheduled face to face meetings.
“The 5th anniversary of the Wabel Frozen Summit is the event private label and brands professionals cannot afford to miss. Our team of professionals brings you experience in sourcing consulting and will assist the suppliers and buyers throughout the Summit,” according to the organizers.
Buyers select on Wabel.com with the support of their Wabel consultants the manufacturers they want to meet at the Summit in formal meetings. Each company profile is complete and verified by Wabel, which then provides a personal agenda with prescheduled meetings for each participants.
“The event is the most efficient sourcing event in the industry. Buyers meet potential industrial partners to develop new products in a short period of time Wabel experts help buyers to prepare and do the follow-up of their meetings on the Summit. For suppliers, the summit is an opportunity to save years of prospection, associated costs and accelerate their export business. Wabel delivers strategic contacts with buyers and category managers of the largest purchasing groups, during prescheduled private meetings,” the organizers say.
This year, Wabel welcomes 100 selected suppliers covering the following product categories: starters, snacking, fruits & vegetables, fish & seafood, meat, pizza, ready-meals, dessert & ice-cream. At the request of buyers, the organizers have put forward vegan, gluten-free and organic products.
The 5th Frozen Summit is supported by the three largest European Frozen Federations: British Frozen Food Federation, German Tiefkuhl Institut and the French Frozen Food Federation. Suppliers will meet both Private Label and National Brands buyers, while among the newly present retailers there will be Whole Foods & Kroger (USA), Woolworths & Coles (Australia), Metro China, MAF Carrefour (Middle East). Last but not least, foodservice buyers will be sourcing during the event.